MechWarrior 2 Crack =================== Mech 2 is one of the best games written, in my opinion... here's how to get the damn thing working if you don't feel like buying it, and already have the program but it gives you a "Mechwarrior 2: CD not found" message when you try and start it up. For the instructions, I use D:\GAMES\MECH2 as the dir you have mech2 installed in. Substitute whatever dir you put it in. 1. Copy the old_herc.drv file to D:\GAMES\MECH2 2. Change to D:\GAMES\MECH2 and type "attrib -a +r +h old_herc.drv" 3. Make sure 0CD.EXE is in your path, and that no CD-ROM drivers are loaded 4. Type "0CD D:\GAMES\MECH2" - your system now thinks there is a CD on your computer, and the root dir of the CD is D:\GAMES\MECH2 5. Start the game (mech2.exe) Enjoy [Acidfonk]